Word for the Year: Breathe, post 1
As for my other children, I want to still give them quality mom time. My husband deserves quality time. I love seeing my granddaughter. Every time I see her she is doing something new. I would like to carve out time to help my youngest stepdaughter plan her wedding. (BREATHE) My doctor wants me to exercise everyday. Really ??? She said I need to do it for my health. Personally, I think my health would improve by having a full time housekeeper, a driver and a nap!
I want to be able to manage all of these important life callings; mother, wife, daughter, student, tutor.
I have some important balls in the air. I can't afford for any of them to fall. They are all too important. Amongst the kids and schoolwork and obligations, I realize I need to find time for myself or I will burn out. I love to read and I have taken up a new hobby. I need to make time for both to keep me sane. I even need to find time to walk to stay healthy. In order to manage all of these things, I must breathe. I must breathe slowly and not become overwhelmed. On the days where the kids are puking and the dog pees on the rug and my car won't start and I have a paper due, I know that I need to BREATHE.
Breathe is a good word to describe my literacy journey as well as my mantra for the year. I used to hate reading. It did not make any sense to me. It was a struggle and it was hard to connect the words to the meanings. "Pat, the cat sat." I was completely uninterested. My third grade teacher saw my struggle and suggested some popular mystery books. She was hoping that if I found something I liked, reading would be less of a challenge and that I would develop fluency. She was right! By taking my time and breathing, I was able to not only read but read proficiently. Reading is now my favorite activity.
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