Bog Post 4 Written Reflections

Written Reflections

I love reading. The best reading experience I can imagine is curled up in a cozy chair with my favorite fluffy blanket and fat cat. The light would either be sunlight coming in through the window or if it was raining or dark, a lamp. The light couldn't be too bright or too low. I don't want to struggle to see the words. I prefer quiet over all other noise. My house is very noisy all of the time, so peace and quiet and a book in a comfy chair with my favorite cat would be ideal. My body position would include some of CeCe's preferences. We like to sit in the big chair with her on my stomach and the big blanket. She likes to snuggle and her purring is the perfect setup for reading a good book.
The best place for me to get lost in reading is anywhere quiet. I prefer to be alone or accompanied only by my pets. I can't read in a library or a cafe. Reading is too personal and if I get the time to enjoy a book, I really want the chance to enjoy it.
Concentrated writing for me is best done early in the morning as soon as the last child leaves for school. I can sit at the kitchen table in quiet with sunlight streaming through and a hot cup of tea to get me going. This is also the best place to get my optimal writing experiences accomplished. I put my computer, a pad of paper, my pens, my tea and water on the table. I make sure the animals have been fed and let out. I then can settle in and write without being disturbed. Some people can multitask. I cannot multitask reading or writing. I want to enjoy it and be absorbed by it.


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